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Is your spreadsheet looking sparse? Do you need to enrich it with data about countries and continents?
You don’t need to waste your time memorising country codes or googling international dialing codes for every person on your Mailchimp list...
We’ve got a tool for that – we can add additional information to your spreadsheets with no need for endless decoding or searching! Let’s find out how.

Perfect for. . .

What is data enrichment?
When we say data enrichment we mean adding extra information to your existing data.
This data comes from external data sources (those are data sets that you didn't make yourself) and they help us to fill in gaps.
Without using some external data sources, your spreadsheet may be incomplete, or have missing columns that would be really useful to have.
Why do you need to enrich country data?

Countries can be added from country codes (Known as ‘CC’ on Mailchimp). Those are abbreviations that computers use to store data about countries – they can be hard to read or analyse by humans.
By using our tool to add in country names, your data becomes more readable and easier to segment by country – useful for sales or marketing data!

Continents are input using country data. They’re not typically included on spreadsheets but they’re useful to have for international businesses and events!

International dialling codes are the prefixes added to the front of a phone number when you make an international call. Here in the UK it's +44, but each country has their own unique digits.
It’s impossible to remember them all and it's a nuisance to have to search for them each time you want to make a call. By enriching your spreadsheets with international dialling codes, you can save yourself a lot of time.
How can you do it?
It’s simple! All you need to do is download your data and drop it into our tool. Why not try it out with some test data first?
Let’s give it a go...
Step 1: Download your data
No matter where you’re downloading your data from, you need to make sure it is a CSV file (they’re just like a spreadsheet, but only computers can read them!).
If you have an Excel spreadsheet, you can save as > CSV UTF-8.
Need help? Check out our step-by-step blog post...
Step 2: Let us do the work
Now upload your CSV file to our tool. Then select these options…

Then, wait for us to work our magic, and... Voila! Your data is now ready for its next steps.
Still need help? Check out our video guide. . .
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