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How to split your data

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

Splitting data is simply dividing data in your spreadsheet from one column into two or more.

You might need to do this if you need to use specific bits of data for our tools - for example, first names, company domains, or countries. Or you might

Splitting your data is easier than it sounds. So, let’s take a look at how you can do it yourself!



  1. Open your spreadsheet, then go to the ‘Data’ menu at the top of the window.

  2. Select ‘Text to columns’ on the far right of the menu bar.

  3. Now you should see a little pop-up window. This is your three-step wizard, which will take you through the next steps.

  4. Click ‘delimited’ then head to the next step.

  5. Next, select the way in which your data is currently separated in the column. This might be a space, a comma, or a semicolon. There’s even a box for other, if you’ve gone wild with punctuation marks!

  6. The final step is to select where you want the data to end up. Choose the columns you need and your data will magically appear split across them!

After, you can arrange the data to look however you need it to - move the columns about and add some colour to make your data easier to read.



  1. Open your Sheets document in your browser.

  2. Create new columns for your data to be split into. These need to be directly to the right of the column you are splitting up (otherwise Sheets will override the data that sits in that column).

  3. Select the cells you need to split up by clicking and dragging until you’ve highlighted them all.

  4. Then, click ‘Data’ in the menu bar, and select ‘Split data into columns’ from the drop down menu.

  5. Next, select the way in which your data is currently separated in the column. This might be a space, a comma, or a semicolon. There’s even a box for custom, if you’ve gone wild with punctuation marks!

  6. The data is immediately split into the column(s) to the right of your existing data set.

After, you can arrange the data to look however you need it to - move the columns about and add some colour to make your data easier to read.


What’s next?

Add all the information that you need about different countries.

Fill in missing information about all the companies on your spreadsheet.

Then, onto our tools for some data preparation or analysing!

Love from,

If that has saved you some time, please thank us by sharing this post :)

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